Showing: 1 - 5 of 5 RESULTS

Vacancy: Fundraising Executive

Lakmahal Community Library is committed to developing a common public space that cultivates creativity and inspires diverse and critical ways of thinking. It provides an array of affordable educational, cultural, and recreational programs, a diverse collection of books, and an area for working and interaction. We are looking for a Fundraising Executive to help us …

Open Brain at Lakmahal

Lakmahal Community Library is happy to host Open Brain, a community space for sharing your passions — whatever they are! You’re encouraged to think outside the box of whatever the word art means to you: Demo something you’ve built [tech, handicraft] Run us through your startup, whether it’s in progress or still just an idea …

Launch day!

On the 17th of January 2022, the Lakmahal Community Library had its official launch together with a small group of friends and family.

Colomboscope 2022 at Lakmalal

The Seventh Edition of Colomboscope: Language is Migrant The seventh edition of the interdisciplinary art festival Colomboscope will open on 20 January 2022 (on invitation with limited capacity). The exhibition and events will be on view to the public and freely accessible from 21 to 30 January 2022. This festival edition brings together over 50 …

A new chapter for Lakmahal

By Adilah Ismail A family home turned community centre, the Lakmahal Library, founded by Anisha Dias Bandaranaike, will come to life as one of the six venues for the 2022 edition of Colomboscope The Lakmahal Community Library is made up of certain elements that book lovers dream of when they daydream about a reading space: …